Sunday 13 November 2011


One of my friends at the time worked part time in a music and HiFi shop in Manchester. In those days they combined music and HiFi. I had a lot of space upstairs in the factory in Silk Street where I lived that wasn't being used. This was ideal for parties. Also there were no neighbours nearby to complain about the noise.

My friend was able to borrow one of the first quadraphonic sound systems in 1974/5. The Who were my favouriter band and had just recorded and album in quadraphonic sound. What an excuse for a party. Space no problem, just bring your own beer or you'll have nothing to drink. We did provide bread and cheese. As we both were members of TSA - the Union technical support - we were able to borrow all the amps and speakers we needed - a full union disco setup in fact. We needed to borrow the Union van to transport it all. The factory had large doors, I was able to drive the van through and leave it indoors overnight.

I think we just laid down in the middle of the floor to experience the all round sound.

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