Wednesday 16 November 2011

Kirkham Grammar School CCF

First this is a photo of the canteen staff at KGS. Third from left is my mum who was a school meal cook. The photos below are from the summer CCF camp of 1968 when we went to Anglesey and then had a night off to go into town in Bangor. There we met some of the local girls.

 The photos were taken at about 10pm in the evening and so are a long exposure wide aperture but with an uprated film.

Chris is on the RAF issue bed at camp. The next photo is of Robert Piggott and John in the pub in Bangor. Note they are wearing their school ties. This was 1968 so we were just legally able to drink. A year earlier Robert and I had a disagreement. In those days  you were encouraged to go and sort it out in the gym, so we arranged to have a fight. Most of the sixth form turned out. Robert was a champion sportsman and let me off lightly. After that we became friends  - see it worked!

 If you haven't seen the film 'If' then this will not mean anything to you. We saw it in 1967 and were very impressionable


  1. The taller ones always bought the drinks and Bangor was far enough away from home...

    1. Little learning, but fun times fueled by beer and cigarettes. Trying strenuously to be all grown up. Some close escapes.

  2. Yes he/I was! In fact, Grimby and I thought nothing of a couple of Boddies and a meat and potato on a Sat lunchtime before playing rugby in the afternoon.
