Saturday 12 November 2011

Sonja Kristina, Curved Air

As well as helping with Ents, starting Prat Sok, and becoming chairman of Meths Soc I also did a little work on the student newspaper. My most memorable job was interviewing Sonja Krisitna of Curved Air when they played a gig at Salford. The article was rubbish but it made the front page of the newspaper.

Thats what a gig looked like in the Maxwell Hall at the University of Salford in the early seventies.


  1. hi - any chance I could use the article or the band picture for this page of the PoliceWiki website ??
    Dietmar (dtmrcls at aol dot com)

    1. No problem, the picture was a handheld shot in available light on a Voigtlander vito B which was a fixed lens 35mm camera. I think I must have used 400ASA film and possibly 'pushed' it a little during developing. Photo by John Mellor

    2. Thanks for the gig listing at ?? -which seems to miss the Salford date! But a useful blog/wiki
